FÉ Quartz a lifestyle brand by Dorne International B.V.
Dorne International B.V.
Nedereindseweg 578
3546 PV Utrecht, Nederland
+316 5366 8338 : bereikbaar tijdens kantooruren;
E-mailadres: hi@fequartz.nl
KvK-nummer: 82174237;
Btw-identificatienummer: NL862364887B01
Artikel 1 – Definities
Artikel 2 – Toepasselijkheid algemene voorwaarden
Artikel 3 – Offertes en aanbiedingen
Artikel 4 – Totstandkoming/aanvaarding van de overeenkomst
Artikel 5 – Prijzen
Artikel 6 – Monsters en modellen
Artikel 7 – Facturatie en betaling
Artikel 8 – Gevolgen niet tijdig betalen
Artikel 9 – Recht van reclame
Artikel 10 – Opschortingsrecht
Artikel 11 – Retentierecht
Artikel 12 – Eigendomsvoorbehoud
Artikel 13 – Verplichtingen van de klant
Artikel 14 – Levering en risico-overgang
Artikel 15 - Transport/verzendkosten
Artikel 16 - Verpakking en verzending
Artikel 17- Bewaring, voortijdige/verlate afname
Artikel 18 - Reclames en garantie
Artikel 19 – Opschorting en ontbinding
Artikel 20 - Overmacht
Artikel 21- Aansprakelijkheid en verjaring
Artikel 22 - Vervaltermijn
Artikel 23 - Wijziging van de overeenkomst
Artikel 24 - Overgang van rechten
Artikel 25 - Geheimhouding
Artikel 26 -. Intellectueel eigendom
Artikel 27 - Slotbepalingen
Article 1 – Definitions
1.1. In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used in the following meaning, unless expressly stated otherwise or the context otherwise requires:
a. Dorne International BV: the user of these general terms and conditions:
Dorne International BV, located at Nedereindseweg 578 3546 PV in Utrecht, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under Chamber of Commerce number 82174237
b. customer: the legal entity or the natural person acting in the exercise of his profession or business who enters into/has entered into an agreement with Dorne International BV, or who has received a quotation/offer from Dorne International BV or with whom Dorne International BV has any legal relationship;
c. agreement: the agreement between Dorne International BV and the customer;
d. product or service: the product and/or service that Dorne International BV supplies under the agreement;
e. parties: Dorne International BV and customer together.
Article 2 – Applicability of General Terms and Conditions
2.1. These general terms and conditions apply to all quotations, offers, work, orders, agreements and deliveries of
services or products by or on behalf of Dorne International BV
2.2. These terms and conditions also apply to agreements with Dorne International BV, for the execution of which Dorne International BV must involve third parties.
2.3 Parties may only deviate from these terms and conditions if they have expressly agreed to this in writing or electronically.
2.4 The parties expressly exclude the applicability of additional and/or deviating general terms and conditions or any purchasing or other conditions of the customer or third parties.
2.5 If one or more of the provisions in these general terms and conditions are null and void or are annulled, the other provisions of these general terms and conditions will remain fully applicable. The null and void or annulled provisions will be replaced by Dorne International BV, whereby the purpose and scope of the original provision(s) will be taken into account as much as possible.
2.6. If Dorne International BV does not always require strict compliance with these general terms and conditions, this does not mean that the provisions thereof do not apply, or that Dorne International BV would in any way lose the right to require strict compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions in other cases.
Article 3 – Quotations and offers
3.1. All quotations and offers from Dorne International BV are without obligation, unless expressly stated otherwise.
3.2. An offer or quotation is valid for a maximum of 30 days
valid, unless a different acceptance period is stated in the offer or quotation
3.3. Dorne International BV cannot be held to its quotations or offers if the customer could reasonably understand that the quotations or offers, or a part thereof, contain an obvious error or mistake.
3.4. If the acceptance (whether or not on minor points) deviates from the offer included in the quotation or offer, Dorne International BV is not bound by it. The agreement will then not be concluded in accordance with this deviating acceptance, unless Dorne International BV indicates otherwise.
3.5. A composite quotation does not oblige Dorne International BV to perform part of the assignment for a corresponding part of the stated price.
3.6. Offers or quotations do not automatically apply to future orders.
3.7. The quotations/offers and other documents provided by Dorne International BV to the customer may not be reproduced or made available to third parties without the permission of Dorne International BV.
3.8. Offers and quotations do not apply to repeat orders, unless the parties have expressly agreed this in writing.
Article 4 – Establishment/acceptance of the agreement
4.1. The agreement is concluded at the moment that the customer has signed the quotation or the agreement and returned it to Dorne International BV or after the customer has accepted the offer from Dorne International BV in writing or by e-mail or at the moment that the customer places an order with Dorne International BV.
4.2. However, upon acceptance of a non-binding offer or quotation, Dorne International BV reserves the right to withdraw the offer or quotation within 3 days of receipt of acceptance, without the customer being able to derive any rights from this.
4.3. Verbal acceptance by the customer only binds Dorne International BV after the customer has confirmed this in writing (or electronically).
4.4. If the customer wishes to change the agreement, this may have (financial) consequences. The agreement can only be changed after the customer has agreed to any additional costs and/or other consequences of the change. If the customer does not agree to the additional costs for changing the agreement and/or other consequences, the original agreement will remain unchanged.
Article 5 – Prices
5.1. Alle prijzen die Dorne International B.V hanteert zijn in euro's, zijn exclusief BTW en exclusief eventuele overige kosten zoals
bijvoorbeeld administratiekosten, heffingen en verzend- of transportkosten, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders vermeld of anders overeengekomen.
5.2. Alle prijzen die Dorne International B.V. hanteert voor haar producten, op haar website of die anderszins kenbaar zijn gemaakt, kan Dorne International B.V. te allen tijde wijzigen.
5.3. Alle prijsverhogingen, ontstaan door wisselingen in valutakoersen, prijsverhogingen van toeleveranciers, overheidsmaatregelen, of welke buiten Dorne International B.V. gelegen oorzaak dan ook, kunnen door Dorne International B.V. aan de koper/klant in rekening worden gebracht.
5.4. Dorne International B.V. behoudt zich het recht voor wegens ‘kredietbeperking’ een toeslag op haar facturen te mogen berekenen.
Article 6 – Samples and models.
If the customer has received a sample or model of a product, he cannot derive any rights from it other than that it is an indication of the nature of the product.
Article 7 – Invoicing and payment
7.1. Payment must be made within 30 days, unless otherwise offered by Dorne International BV and/or the parties have made other arrangements (expressly agreed in writing and/or electronically) or a different payment term is stated on the invoice.
7.2. If the customer fails to pay an invoice on time, the customer is in default by operation of law, without Dorne International BV having to send the customer a reminder or put the customer in default. The customer then owes the statutory commercial interest. The interest on the amount due will be calculated from the moment the customer is in default until the moment of payment of the full amount due.
7.3. Dorne International BV reserves the right to make a delivery dependent on immediate payment or to demand security for the total amount of the services or products. Dorne International BV also reserves the right at all times to demand advance payment, cash payment upon collection or delivery by cash on delivery.
Article 8 – Consequences of late payment
8.1. If the customer does not pay on time, Dorne International BV is entitled to charge the customer all judicial and extrajudicial collection costs that Dorne International BV incurs to collect the claims on the customer from the day that the customer is in default. It is entitled to charge the statutory interest rate of 8% per month for commercial transactions from the first 'day of default', whereby a part of a month is counted as a whole month. Dorne International BV is also entitled to charge any damages due. From the date that the client is in default, Dorne International BV is entitled to hand over its claim(s) to a collection agency without further notice.
8.2. Dorne International BV has the right to apply payments made by the customer first to reduce costs, then to reduce interest and finally to reduce the principal sum, starting with the oldest invoice.
8.3. The customer is never entitled to offset any amount owed by him to Dorne International BV.
8.4. Objections to the amount of an invoice do not suspend the payment obligation.
8.5. The collection costs are calculated on the basis of the Decree on compensation for extrajudicial collection costs.
8.6. If the customer does not pay on time, Dorne International BV may suspend its obligations until the customer has fulfilled his payment obligation.
8.7. In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy, attachment or suspension of payments on the part of the customer, Dorne International BV's claims against the customer shall be immediately due and payable.
8.8 If the customer refuses to cooperate with the execution of the agreement by Dorne International BV, he is still obliged to pay the agreed price to Dorne International BV.
Article 9 – Right of complaint
9.1. As soon as the customer is in default, Dorne International BV is entitled to invoke the right of complaint with regard to the unpaid products delivered to the customer.
9.2. Done International BV invokes the right of complaint by means of a written or electronic communication.
9.3. As soon as the customer has been informed of the invoked right of complaint, the customer must immediately return the products to which this right relates to Dorne International BV, unless the parties make other arrangements in this regard.
4. The costs of retrieving or returning the products shall be borne by the customer.
Article 10 – Right of suspension
The customer waives the right to suspend the fulfillment of any obligation arising from this agreement.
Article 11 – Right of retention
11.1. Dorne International BV may invoke its right of retention and in that case retain the customer's products until the
Customer has paid all outstanding invoices to Dorne International BV, unless the Customer has provided sufficient security for those costs.
11.2. The right of retention also applies on the basis of previous agreements from which the customer still owes payments to Done International BV.
Dorne International BV is never liable for any damage that the customer may suffer as a result of exercising its right of retention.
Article 12 – Retention of title
12.1. All products delivered and yet to be delivered remain the exclusive property of Dorne International BV until all claims it has or will have on the customer have been paid in full, on the basis of any agreement concluded with Dorne International BV, including claims relating to failure to comply.
12.2. Until ownership of the product(s) has passed to the customer, the customer may not:
a. to pledge;
b. grant any other right thereto to third parties;
c. resell outside the normal course of its business;
d. otherwise object.
12.3. The customer is obliged to store the product delivered under retention of title with due care. The customer must always do everything that may reasonably be expected of him to safeguard the ownership rights of Dorne International BV. The customer is obliged to insure the delivered products and keep them insured against fire, explosion and water damage as well as against theft and to provide Dorne International BV with a copy of the policy of this insurance upon first request.
12.4. If the customer does not or does not fully comply with his obligations towards Dorne International BV and in the event of termination of the agreement, for whatever reason, Dorne International BV is entitled to take back the product(s) without prior notice of default or judicial intervention, without prejudice to the right of Dorne International BV to full compensation. All costs that Dorne International BV must incur to take back the product, including for example transport and storage costs, will be charged to the customer.
12.5. If Dorne International BV wishes to exercise its right as described in this article, the customer is obliged to grant Dorne International BV or the third party engaged by Dorne International BV access to the location where the product is located.
12.6. In the event of seizure, suspension of payment or bankruptcy, the customer will immediately inform Dorne International BV thereof and the customer will immediately inform the bailiff levying the seizure, the administrator or the trustee of the (ownership) rights of Dorne International BV.
12.7. The provisions mentioned in this article do not affect the other rights accruing to Dorne International BV.
12.8. If Dorne International BV invokes its retention of title, the agreement will be deemed to have been terminated and Dorne International BV will also be entitled to claim damages, lost profits and interest.
Article 13 – Customer obligations
13.1. The customer shall ensure that all data that Dorne International BV indicates is necessary or that the customer reasonably should understand is necessary for the performance of the agreement, are provided to Dorne International BV in a timely manner. If the customer has not fulfilled this obligation, Dorne International BV has the right to suspend the performance of the agreement and/or charge the customer for the additional costs resulting from the delay.
13.2. If the data provided by the customer is incomplete and/or incorrect, this will be entirely at the customer's expense and risk.
13.3. The customer is solely responsible for observing all statutory and other applicable regulations in the country where the customer is established in connection with the possession, storage, use, transport and sale, in whatever manner, of the products.
13.4. The customer is obliged to use the delivered goods only as follows from the instructions, manual or technical specifications. In the event of resale of the delivered goods, the customer will in turn expressly inform his customer of the prescribed instructions, manual or technical specifications of Dorne International BV.
13.5. All data and information provided by Dorne International BV regarding the suitability and applicability of the product are provided entirely without obligation and do not release the customer from his obligation to carry out (or have carried out) his own checks and tests.
13.6. The customer is not permitted to resell the products of Dorne International BV (the selenite lamps with associated accessories known under the label 'FÉ') under a private label. In case of resale/offering to third parties: The customer is obliged - to resell the products to third parties exclusively under and with the original branding of 'FÉ'.
Article 14 – Delivery and transfer of risk
14.1. The delivery time commences after Dorne International BV has confirmed this to the customer in writing or electronically.
14.2. The delivery times stated by Dorne International BV are indicative and do not entitle the customer to termination of the agreement, compensation or any other form of compensation if they are exceeded, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
14.3. Delivery will take place while stocks last.
14.4. Delivery will take place at the address specified by the customer, as long as Dorne International BV has agreed to this.
14.5. If the agreed amounts are not paid or not paid on time, Dorne International BV has the right to suspend its obligations until the agreed part has been paid.
14.6. In the event of late payment, the customer cannot object to late delivery to Dorne International BV.
14.7. If Dorne International BV requires information from the customer for the execution of the agreement, the delivery time will not commence until the customer has made this information available to Dorne International BV correctly and completely.
14.8. In the event that a delivery time agreed with the customer is exceeded as a result of an event that is in fact beyond the control of Dorne International BV and cannot be attributed to its actions and/or omissions, as described in article 20 of these general terms and conditions, this term will be automatically extended by the period by which it was exceeded as a result of such an event.
14.9. Dorne International BV has the right to deliver the order in parts. Deliveries can be invoiced separately by Dorne International BV and it has the right to request payment before making further deliveries.
14.10. The customer is obliged to accept the ordered products.
14.11. The risk of loss, damage or depreciation of the delivered goods/product shall pass to the customer at the time the product is brought into the customer's possession and/or is delivered to the location (address) agreed by the parties, even if Dorne International BV has not yet invoiced.
14.12. Actual delivery: The customer must ensure that the actual delivery of the products ordered by him can take place on time.
14.13. Inspection/Consignment: If Dorne International BV delivers products to the customer on inspection or on consignment, the risk and liability for this lie entirely with the customer - unless expressly agreed in writing and/or electronically by the parties.
This also applies to the storage, display or in any other way exhibiting of these products. Any reduction in value due to damage or otherwise to products delivered on inspection or on consignment is for the account of the customer.
Article 15 – Transport/shipping costs
Transport/shipping costs are at the customer's expense, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in writing or electronically.
Article 16 – Packaging and shipping
16.1. If the packaging of a delivered product is opened or damaged, the customer must have the forwarder or delivery person make a note of this before accepting the product, failing which Dorne International BV will not be liable.
can be held liable for any damage.
16.2. If the customer arranges for the transport of a product himself, he must report any visible damage to products or packaging to Dorne International BV prior to transport, failing which Dorne International BV will not be liable.
can be held liable for any damage.
16.3. Returns without prior consultation between the parties and express written or electronic acceptance by Dorne International BV will be refused. Goods to be returned must be in their original packaging and undamaged. Returns must be safely packaged (with the indication 'FRAGILE/BREEKBAAR') and delivered carriage paid, unless otherwise agreed and are at the risk of the client.
Article 17 – Storage, premature/late collection
Any additional costs resulting from premature or late collection of products will be borne entirely by the customer.
Article 18 – Complaints and warranty
18.1. De klant is verplicht de geleverde producten terstond bij aflevering te controleren. De klant dient in het bijzonder na te gaan:
a. of de juiste producten zijn geleverd;
b. of het juiste aantal producten is geleverd;
c. of de producten voldoen aan de kwaliteitseisen of aan de eisen die gesteld mogen worden voor normaal gebruik.
18.2. Reclames ten aanzien van de geleverde bestelling dienen in ieder geval binnen 7 dagen na de levering aan Dorne International B.V. kenbaar te worden gemaakt. Reclames dienen schriftelijk of via e-mail (hi@fequartz.nl) te worden ingediend. Reclames die te laat worden ingediend worden niet in behandeling genomen.
18.3. Op de door Dorne International B.V. geleverde producten is de wettelijke garantie van toepassing. Dit wil zeggen dat een product datgene is of moet doen wat de koper er in alle redelijkheid van mag verwachten.
18.4. De factuur is het garantiebewijs.
18.5. Het vervangen of repareren (van onderdelen van) het product door Dorne International B.V. verlengt de garantieperiode niet.
18.6. Vanwege de diverse bijzondere kenmerken van seleniet varieert elk stuk kristal - zelfs van dezelfde grootte- wat betreft gewicht, vorm en kleur. Als gevolg daarvan is zogenaamde fysieke uitvoering van de lamp uitgesloten vwb evt. ‘ verkeerde levering/gebreken’, alsmede van enige garantie en kan koper hier geen aanspraak op doen. Klant gaat dan ook akkoord dat de bestelling/levering slechts zal plaatsvinden op gewichtsklasse van de betreffende seleniet lampen, waarvan klant op het moment van bestellen weet dat elke lamp uniek is in uitvoering en er geen enkele lamp uit de collectie dezelfde fysieke uitvoering heeft en het een niet-repeteerbaar design betreft. Vanwege de kenmerken van seleniet (zacht en poreus), kan het ( in beperkte mate) voorkomen dat er incidenteel een klein stukje ‘afbrokkelt’, waardoor dit niet onder de garantie valt. Dorne International raadt de klant dan wel de uiteindelijke koper/consument/gebruiker, met klem aan om met de nodige voorzichtigheid met de FÉ lamp en haar onderdelen om te gaan.
18.7. Indien Dorne International B.V. de reclame/klacht gegrond acht, worden na overleg met de klant de relevante producten deels of volledig hersteld, vervangen of vergoed. De maximale vergoeding is, met inachtneming van het Artikel aangaande aansprakelijkheid gelijk aan de door klant betaalde prijs over het product. Nogmaals, klant is er op de website www.fequartz.nl of via enige andere vorm van communicatie/offerte, maar tevens in deze Algemene Voorwaarden uitdrukkelijk op gewezen dat elke FÉ lamp een uniek exemplaar is, met een onherhaalbaar design, kleurstelling, grootte, gewicht, structuur, zodat het uitgesloten is dat een eventueel vervangend product dezelfde kenmerken bezit.
18.8. De garantie die uitsluitend van toepassing is op defecten, veroorzaakt door ondeugdelijke fabricage of materiaal, geldt in elk geval niet indien: a) de geleverde producten na levering door Dorne International B.V. aan klant zelf gerepareerd en/of bewerkt zijn of door derden zijn gerepareerd cq bewerkt; b)de geleverde producten aan abnormale omstandigheden zijn blootgesteld of anderszins onzorgvuldig zijn behandeld of in strijd zijn met het handelen volgens de instructies en (veiligheids)informatie vermeld in de Gebruiksaanwijzing. Bij levering van de producten heeft Dorne International B.V. aan de koper tevens een fysiek kaartje meegeleverd, waarop een QR code is afgebeeld waarmee na activatie toegang verleend wordt tot deze genoemde gebruiksaanwijzing. De gebruiksaanwijzing kan ook altijd nageslagen worden via de website www.fequartz.nl onder ‘De lamp/gebruiksaanwijzing’
Aanvullend kan eventueel ook deze link gebruikt worden die naar de gebruiksaanwijzing gaat:
c) er anderszins omstandigheden zijn waar Dorne International B.V. geen invloed op heeft (zoals weersomstandigheden en bijv. schade ontstaan tijdens transport door klant)
18.9. De garantie dekt geen normale ‘slijtage’ aan objecten, met name die aan bijvoorbeeld lampen, dimmer kabels en armaturen. Lichtbronnen vallen buiten de garantie, omdat ze bijvoorbeeld onderhevig zijn aan stroompieken of kunnen falen door blikseminslag en vochtigheid. Ook bij slijtage en defecten als gevolg van nalatig onderhoud kan geen aanspraak worden gemaakt bij Dorne International B.V.
18.10 Dorne International B.V. is niet aansprakelijk voor gevolgschade als gevolg van een niet goed functioneren van het product, ondeskundig of onjuist gebruik ervan.
18.11. Tevens kan er geen aanspraak gemaakt worden op garantie indien er sprake is van een geringe in de handel gebruikelijke en/of technisch onvermijdelijke afwijking.
18.12.. Een gebrek aan een product geeft de klant niet het recht de gehele bestelling, waarvan het product deel uitmaakt, te weigeren of terug te sturen.
18.13. Reclames of een beroep op de garantie schorten de betalingsverplichting, noch de termijn hiervan, van de klant niet op.
18.14. Indien de klant onterecht heeft gereclameerd of onterecht een beroep op de garantie heeft gedaan, dan worden alle (onderzoeks)kosten die Dorne International B.V. daardoor heeft gemaakt aan de klant in rekening gebracht.
Article 19 – Suspension and termination
19.1. Dorne International BV is entitled to suspend the performance of the agreement with immediate effect if the customer does not or will not fully comply with the obligations under the agreement.
19.2. After the conclusion of the agreement, Dorne International BV becomes aware of circumstances that give good reason to fear that the customer will not fulfil its obligations.
19.3. Furthermore, Dorne International BV is authorized to terminate the agreement if circumstances arise which are of such a nature that compliance with the agreement is impossible or can no longer be reasonably expected or if circumstances arise which are of such a nature that continued existence of the agreement unchanged cannot reasonably be expected.
19.4. Dorne International BV is authorized to terminate the agreement if the customer requests or is granted a suspension of payments, if the customer is declared bankrupt or a request is filed to that effect, if the customer is unable to pay his debts, terminates or liquidates his company, is placed under guardianship, or if an administrator is appointed.
16.5. If Dorne International BV suspends or dissolves, it is in no way obliged to compensate for damage and costs incurred in any way as a result.
16.6. If the agreement is terminated, Dorne International BV's claims on the customer are immediately due and payable. If Dorne International BV suspends compliance with its obligations, it retains its claims under the law and the agreement.
19.7. Dorne International BV always reserves the right to claim damages.
Article 20 – Force Majeure
20.1. Dorne International BV is not obliged to fulfil one or more obligations under the agreement or to pay compensation in the event of force majeure. Force majeure is understood to mean, in addition to what is understood in law and case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which Dorne International BV has no influence, but which prevent it from fulfilling its obligations. Force majeure is understood to mean in any case: weather conditions; theft; power and internet failure; floods, landslides and other natural disasters; terrorism; obstructions by third parties, including those of governments; obstructions in transport; strikes; riots, wars or threats of war; loss of or damage to products during transport; failure or late delivery of products to Dorne International BV by its suppliers; export and import bans; fires, disruptions and accidents in the company of Dorne International BV or its supplier; the burning of means of transport of Dorne International BV, its supplier or an engaged transport company, the occurrence of malfunctions thereof, the involvement in accidents thereof; measures of any domestic, foreign or international government.
20.2. Dorne International BV also has the right to invoke force majeure if the circumstance that prevents (further) fulfillment of the agreement occurs after Dorne International BV should have fulfilled its obligation.
20.3. Dorne International BV may suspend the obligations under the agreement during the period that the force majeure continues. If this period lasts longer than two months, then each of the parties is entitled to terminate the agreement, without obligation to compensate the other party for damages.
20.4. If Dorne International BV has partially fulfilled its obligations under the agreement at the time of the occurrence of force majeure or will be able to fulfil them, and the part that has been fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled has an independent value, it is entitled to invoice the part that has already been fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled separately. The customer is obliged to pay this invoice as if there were a separate agreement.
Article 21 – Liability and limitation
21.1. Dorne International BV cannot be held liable for any damage that is a direct or indirect consequence of:
a. an event which is in fact beyond its control and which cannot therefore be attributed to its actions and/or omissions, as described in, among other things, article 20 of these general terms and conditions;
b. any act or omission of the customer, its subordinates or other persons employed by or on behalf of the customer.
21.2. Dorne International BV is not liable for damage of any nature whatsoever arising from Dorne International BV having acted on the basis of incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the customer.
21.3. Dorne International BV is not liable for any damage whatsoever caused by incorrect or unskilled use of the delivered goods, by use of the delivered goods in violation of the user manual or the instructions for use or by incorrect or improper maintenance of the delivered goods.
21.4. Dorne International BV is not liable for damage if the customer or third parties have made changes to the delivered goods.
21.5 In no event shall Dorne International BV be liable for damage that has arisen or been caused by the delivered goods being used for a purpose other than that for which they were intended. Dorne International BV shall only be liable for any damage suffered by the Customer if and to the extent that such damage was caused
by intent or deliberate recklessness of Dorne International BV
21.6. If Dorne International BV is, in its opinion, obliged to take measures or to cooperate with recall actions initiated by manufacturers to prevent (further) damage as a result of claims by customers based on a defect in delivered products, the customer undertakes to cooperate with such measures. Dorne International BV can never be held liable for damage suffered by the customer as a result of initiated recall actions.
21.7. Dorne International BV is never obliged to pay compensation as a result of indirect damage (also with third parties) or consequential damage. Consequential damage is in any case considered to be: lost turnover, lost profit, missed savings, production damage, business damage, business disruption, stagnation damage, delay damage, reputational damage, environmental damage, imposed fines and indirect damage, regardless of their origin.
21.8. If Dorne International BV should be liable for any damage, the liability of Dorne International BV is limited to the amount of the payment made by the insurer of Dorne International BV. If the insurer does not pay out in any case or the damage is not covered by the insurance, the liability of Dorne International BV is limited to the invoice amount excluding VAT, or at least to that part of the agreement to which the liability relates.
21.9 The customer shall indemnify Dorne International BV against claims brought against it by third parties in respect of incidents, acts or omissions for which Dorne International BV is not liable pursuant to the foregoing. The customer shall be obliged to indemnify Dorne International BV upon first request for all costs, damages and interest that may arise for Dorne International BV as a direct or indirect result of a claim brought against it by a third party as referred to in this clause.
21.10. Claims and other powers of the customer on whatever grounds against Dorne International BV shall in any case expire after the expiry of 1 year from the moment at which a fact occurs that allows the customer to exercise these rights and/or powers against Dorne International BV.
21.11. If the customer does not, does not timely or does not properly fulfil his contractual obligations or his obligations arising from the law or acts unlawfully towards Dorne International BV, the customer must compensate Dorne International BV for all damage that Dorne International BV suffers or has suffered as a result.
21.12 All images, photos, colours, drawings, descriptions on the website or otherwise made available to the customer, such as in a catalogue or email, are only indicative and are only approximate and cannot give rise to compensation and/or (partial) termination of the agreement and/or suspension of any obligation.
Article 22 – Expiry period
Any right of the customer to compensation from Dorne International BV shall in any case expire 12 months after the event from which the liability directly or indirectly arises. This does not exclude the provisions of article 6:89 of the Dutch Civil Code
Article 23 – Amendment of the agreement
If, after the conclusion of the agreement, it appears necessary to change or supplement its content for its execution, the parties may adjust the agreement accordingly in a timely manner and in mutual consultation - and with the express consent of Dorne International BV.
Article 24 – Transfer of rights
Customer rights under and agreement between parties may not be transferred to third parties without the prior written consent of Dorne International BV
Article 25 – Confidentiality
25.1. Parties are obliged to maintain confidentiality of all confidential information that they have obtained from each other or from other sources in the context of their agreement. Information is considered confidential if this has been communicated by the other party or if this follows from the nature of the information. The party that receives confidential information will only use it for the purpose for which it was provided.
25.2. If, on the basis of a statutory provision or a court ruling, Dorne International BV is obliged to provide confidential information to third parties designated by law or the competent court, and Dorne International BV cannot invoke a statutory right of refusal or a right of refusal recognised or permitted by the competent court, Dorne International BV is not obliged to pay damages or compensation and the customer is not entitled to terminate the agreement on the grounds of any damage resulting from this.
Article 26 – Intellectual property
All copyrights and intellectual property rights remain with Dorne International BV, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing. Copying, distribution and any other use of these materials is not permitted, unless otherwise indicated.
Dorne International BV expressly reserves all intellectual property rights on its website www.fequartz.nl or in any other form of communication/information provision regarding the product 'FÉ', also referred to as FÉ Quartz or FÉ Quartz Natural Crystal Selenite Lamp, it markets.
Article 27 – Final provisions
27.1. Agreements between Dorne International BV and the customer to which these general terms and conditions apply are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Even if the customer is established abroad. Disputes that may arise as a result of the Agreement will be submitted to the competent Dutch court in the district where Dorne International BV is established. Applicability of other (purchase) conditions or general terms and conditions than those of Dorne International BV is expressly rejected. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is excluded.
27.2. If a provision in these General Terms and Conditions proves to be null and void, this will not affect the validity of the entire General Terms and Conditions. In that case, the parties will establish (a) new provision(s) in replacement, which will give effect to the intention (of Dorne International BV) of the original provision as much as legally possible.
27.3. In these General Terms and Conditions, 'written' also includes communication by email, provided that the identity of the sender and the integrity of the email are sufficiently established.
27.4. Dorne International BV reserves the right to change or supplement these general terms and conditions.
27.5. The general terms and conditions of Dorne International BV have been made available to the customer and can also always be viewed via the website www.fequartz.nl (General terms and conditions for business customers/B2B)
These general terms and conditions were drawn up on October 1, 2021.
Download these General Terms and Conditions (business purchases/B2B) as a PDF file here.